ME 420, Fall 2022
Compressible Flow

Prepared by Professor J. M. Cimbala, Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University
Latest revision, 23 September 2022

Lecture material
Week 1
Introduction and review: Review of fluid flow and thermodynamics; Ideal gas, speed of sound, Mach number

Lecture 01 notes
Lecture 02 notes
Lecture 03 notes

YouTube video: Supersonic commercial flight! (about 10 minutes)
NASA units error destroys space probe
HW Info & Format
Week 2
One-D, adiabatic, isentropic duct flow of an ideal gas: Isentropic relations; Critical properties, converging ducts

Lecture 04 notes
Lecture 05 notes
Lecture 06 notes
HW 1
Week 3
One-D, adiabatic, isentropic duct flow of an ideal gas (continued): Converging ducts (nozzles), choking

Lecture 07 notes
Lecture 08 notes

YouTube: F-18 airshow sonic boom (start at 1:15)
YouTube: Lots of sonic booms!
HW 2
Week 4
One-D, adiabatic, isentropic duct flow of an ideal gas (continued): Qualitative analysis of flow in converging-diverging ducts and nozzles, flow downstream of a C-D nozzle, rocket nozzle design

Lecture 09 notes
Lecture 10 notes
Lecture 11 notes

YouTube video - Overexpanded supersonic jet with shock diamonds (jet comes out of a soda bottle!)
Short Popular Mechanics video - F-15 shock diamonds - very cool in slo-mo
YouTube video - Underexpanded supersonic jet, M = 1.55 (DNS simulation, B&W)
YouTube video - Underexpanded supersonic jet, M = 1.55 (DNS simulation, Color)
YouTube video - Apollo 8 launch - countdown at 0:20, liftoff at about 0:30, vapor cone at about 1:25, flare out at about 1:40
YouTube video - Apollo 8 launch - liftoff at 0:25, awesome flare out at about 2:00
YouTube video - Awesome Space Shuttle launch video! (launch starta at 1:20, vapor cone at 2:15, nice flare out at 2:45, solid rockets ejected at 3:00)
YouTube video - Virgin Galactic flight - after release at 0:30, shock diamonds and a little flare out, then advertising...
HW 3
Week 5
Quantitative analysis of C-D nozzles with normal shocks; Normal shocks: Property changes across normal shocks, normal shocks in converging-diverging ducts

Lecture 12 notes
Lecture 13 notes
Lecture 14 notes

National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films - watch Channel Flow of a Compressible Fluid, using the TechTV option
HW 4
Week 6
Quantitative analysis of normal shocks: Fanno curve, Rayleigh curve, how to calculate the Mach number downstream of a shock

Lecture 15 notes
Lecture 16 notes
Exam 1
Week 7
Normal shocks (continued): Hugoniot curve, qualitative examples of normal shocks (C-D nozzles, shock tubes, bow shocks, explosions/blast waves, Pitot probes)

Lecture 17 notes
Lecture 18 notes
Lecture 19 notes

Video: 45 caliber bullet (PSUGDL)
Video: Smith and Wesson 500 revolver (PSUGDL)
Video: AK-47 assault_rifle (PSUGDL)
Video: Firecracker exploding (PSUGDL)
Video: 1-gram explosive (PSUGDL)
Video: Shock tube outlet flow (PSUGDL)
YouTube video: blast wave topples cars
YouTube video: Nuclear explosions and shock waves (11 minutes long)
YouTube video: Bart Simpson makes a blast wave
HW 5
Week 8
Normal shocks (continued): Moving normal shocks

Lecture 20 notes
Lecture 21 notes
Lecture 22 notes
HW 6
Week 9
Piston-driven flow in pipes; shock tubes (qualitative and quantitative)

Lecture 23 notes
Lecture 24 notes
Lecture 25 notes
HW 7
Week 10
One-D duct flow with heat transfer: Rayleigh flow, T-s diagrams, choked Rayleigh flow, equations for Rayleigh flow

Lecture 26 notes
Lecture 27 notes
Lecture 28 notes

Video: Shock tube outlet flow (PSUGDL)
Video - cool shock tube animation with reflected shock
HW 8
Week 11
Rayleigh flow (continued): example problem and applications; One-D duct flow with friction: Fanno flow, T-s diagrams for Fanno flow, choked Fanno flow

Lecture 29 notes
Lecture 30 notes

Exam 2
Week 12
Fanno flow (continued): equations for Fanno flow, examples and applications

Lecture 31 notes
Lecture 32 notes
Lecture 33 notes

HW 9
Week 13
Two-D flow: Oblique shocks and expansion waves: oblique shock equations and derivations, examples and applications

Lecture 34 notes
Lecture 35 notes
Lecture 36 notes

YouTube video: Schlieren video of jet injected into supersonic wind tunnel
NASA's quiet X-59 supersonic plane
Fall Break
Be Thankful
Week 14
Two-D flow: Oblique shocks and expansion waves (continued): compression waves, reflecting oblique shocks; P-M expansion fans: equations and procedure; examples and applications

Lecture 37 notes
Lecture 38 notes
Lecture 39 notes

NASA photo of merging oblique shocks
PDF file of NASA's merging oblique shock article
HW 10
Week 15
Tying it all together: Applications of compressible flow to high-speed aircraft (special guest lecturer Glen Coates); Review for final exam on Friday

Lecture 40 notes
Lecture 41 notes
Lecture 42 notes

URLs_for_Glen_Coates_Afterburner_Presentation.pptx (links to some cool videos)
Coates_Glen_Epilogue_Afterburner_Presentation.pdf (useful career advice from Glen)
HW 11
Finals Week
The final exam is scheduled for: