Work Area for H.J. Sommer III


Doodle scheduling utility
Unit conversion utility (packed in ZIP file)
iCrank (spring design, tap drill sizes, bolt head geometry, more)
Tap drill sizes
SmoothOn videos | Durometer scale
Machined surface roughness
Brinnell-Rockwell hardness conversion table
Spring tutorial
roller chain | MATLAB for length | length | tutorial | dimensions | sprockets
Print graph paper


2018 World Scientific Congress of Golf - abstract PDF | slides PPTX | PGA results

Statically Stable Quadruped Gait - first MPEG

Parameter Estimation | MATLAB for Levenberg-Marquardt
3D Geometry of Points, Lines, Planes and Cylinders
Using a Pointer Tip with a 3D Electromagnetic Digitizer
Step climbing by a tracked vehicle

GCMAS/ESMA JEGM tutorial - Inertial Measurement Units

Art, Technology and the Body Symposium

Robots ... in the image of Man
For a Breath I Tarry, Roger Zelazny, 1967

Morphometric Links

Morphometrics at SUNY Stony Brook | Morphmet mailing list
Anatomy quiz