Photo of Jean-Michel Mongeau

Jean-Michel Mongeau

Assistant Professor


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering

204 Reber Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology; Neuromechanics; Sensors & Controls

Interest Areas:

Neural and mechanical control of animal locomotion, biological system identification, bio-inspired engineering, robots as tools to study control of locomotion.




  • BS, Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2007
  • Ph D, Biophysics, University of California-Berkeley, 2013


Journal Articles

  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, Yu Yang, Ignacio Escalante, Noah Cowan and Kaushik Jayaram, 2024, "Moving in an uncertain world: robust and adaptive control of locomotion from organisms to machine intelligence.", Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Benjamin Cellini, Marioalberto Ferrero and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2024, "Drosophila flying in augmented reality reveals the vision-based control autonomy of the optomotor response.", Current Biology, 34, (1), pp. 68-78
  • Brock Davis and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "The influence of saccades on yaw gaze stabilization in fly flight", PLoS Computational Biology, 19, (12), pp. 1-15
  • Wael Salem, Benjamin Cellini, Eric Jaworski and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Flies adaptively control flight to compensate for added inertia", Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290, (2008), pp. 1-12
  • Viet Le, Ben Cellini, Rudolf Schilder and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Hawkmoths regulate flight torques with their abdomen for yaw control", Journal of Experimental Biology, 229, (9), pp. 1-8
  • Wael Salem, Ben Cellini, H Kabutz, HKH Prasad, Bo Cheng, Kaushik Jayaram and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2022, "Flies trade off stability and performance via adaptive compensation to wing damage", Science Advances, 8, (46), pp. 1-12
  • Benjamin Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2022, "Nested mechanosensory feedback actively damps visually guided head movements in Drosophila.", eLife, 11, pp. 1-26
  • Ben Cellini, Wael Salem and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2022, "Complementary feedback control enables effective gaze stabilization in animals.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, (19), pp. 1-8
  • B Cellini, W Salem and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2021, "Mechanisms of punctuated vision in fly flight", Current Biology, 31, (18), pp. 4009-4024
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, Lorian E Schweikert, Alexander L Davis, Michael S Reichert and Jessleen K Kanwal, 2021, "Multimodal integration across spatiotemporal scales to guide invertebrate locomotion", Integrative and Comparative Biology, pp. 1-12
  • B Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2020, "Hybrid visual control in fly flight: insights into gaze shift via saccades.", Current Opinion in Insect Science, 42, pp. 23-31
  • Ben Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2020, "Active vision shapes and coordinates flight motor responses in flies.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, (37), pp. 23085-23095
  • C Städele, M F Keles, Jean-Michel Mongeau and M A Frye, 2020, "Non-canonical receptive field properties and neuromodulation of feature-detecting neurons in flies.", Current Biology, 30, (13), pp. 2508-2519.e6
  • W Salem, B Cellini, M A Frye and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2020, "Fly eyes are not still: a motion illusion in Drosophila flight supports parallel visual processing.", The Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, (10), pp. 1-10
  • P Liu, S Sane, Jean-Michel Mongeau, J Zhao and B Cheng, 2019, "Flies land upside down on a ceiling using rapid visually-controlled rotational maneuvers", Science Advances, 5, (10), pp. 1-10
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, Karen Cheng, Jacob Aptekar and Mark A Frye, 2019, "Visuomotor strategies for object approach and aversion in Drosophila melanogaster", Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, (3), pp. 1-6
  • Mehmet Keles, Jean-Michel Mongeau and Mark A Frye, 2019, "Object features and T4/T5 motion detectors modulate the dynamics of bar tracking by Drosophila", Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, (2), pp. 1-12
  • K Jayaram, Jean-Michel Mongeau, A Mohapatra, P Birkmeyer, R S Fearing and R J Full, 2018, "Transition by head-on collision: mechanically mediated manoeuvres in cockroaches and small robots", Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 15, (139), pp. 1-11
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau and M A Frye, 2017, "Drosophila spatiotemporally integrates visual signals to control saccades", Current Biology, 27, (19), pp. 2901-2914
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, S N Sponberg, J P Miller and R J Full, 2015, "Sensory processing within antenna enables rapid implementation of feedback control for high-speed running maneuvers", Journal of Experimental Biology, 218, (15), pp. 2344-2354
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, A Demir, C J Dallmann, K Jayaram, N J Cowan and R J Full, 2014, "Mechanical processing via passive dynamic properties of the cockroach antenna can facilitate control during rapid running", Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, pp. 3333-3345
  • J W Aptekar, M F Keles, Jean-Michel Mongeau, P Lu, M A Frye and P A Shoemaker, 2014, "Method and software for using m-sequences to characterize parallel components of higher-order visual tracking behavior in Drosophila", Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 8, pp. 1-15
  • S Revzen, S Burden, TY Moore, Jean-Michel Mongea and, RJ Full , 2013, "Instantaneous kinematic phase reflects neuromechanical response to lateral perturbations of running cockroaches", Biological Cybernetics, 107, (2), pp. 179-200
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, A Demir, J Lee, N Cowan and R J Full, 2013, "Locomotion- and mechanics-mediated tactile sensing: antenna reconfiguration simplifies control during high-speed navigation in cockroaches", Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, (24), pp. 4530-4541
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, B McRae, A Jusufi, P Birkmeyer, A M Hoover, R Fearing and R J Full, 2012, "Rapid inversion: running animals and robots swing like a pendulum under ledges", PLoS ONE, 7, (6), pp. 1-9

Conference Proceedings

  • Siu Ling Leung, Eric R Marsh, Stephen Lynch, Sean N Brennan, Henry J Sommer, Daniel Cortes, Brian Foley, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Tak Sing Wong and Karen A Thole, 2021, "A new approach to equip students to solve 21st-century global challenges: Integrated problem-based mechanical engineering laboratory", ASEE Conference Proceedings


  • Kaushik Jayaram and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2024, "Introduction to moving in an uncertain world adaptively in biological and bioinspired systems", Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau and Kaushik Jayaram, 2024, "An engineering perspective to unravel adaptive organismal locomotion", Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Lingsheng Meng, Parker McDonnell, Kaushik Jayaram and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2024, "A model of the cockroach antenna links tactile features to distinct motifs on a soft sensor", Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Parker McDonnell, Lingsheng Meng, Jean-Michel Mongeau and Kaushik Jayaram, 2024, "Design of an insect scale robophysical model of the cockroach antenna with integrated sensing", Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Ben Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Hierarchical integration of visual and mechanosensory feedback during control of gaze in Drosophila", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 63, pp. S74-S74
  • Marioalberto Ferrero, Ben Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Altering visual feedback in augmented reality reveals that Drosophila’s gaze system is not flexible", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 63, pp. S138-S138
  • Viet Le, Ben Cellini, Rudolf Schilder and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "The abdomen of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta regulates wing-generated flight torques for yaw control", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 63, pp. S261-S261
  • Wael Salem, Ben Cellini, Eric Jaworski and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Drosophila adaptively control flight to compensate for added inertia", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 63, pp. S404-S404
  • Ben Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Complementary control of head & body movements in flies reveals the energetic basis of gaze control", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 62, pp. S51-S51
  • Wael Salem, Ben Cellini, H Kabutz, HKH Prasad, Bo Cheng, Kaushik Jayaram and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2023, "Flies combine adaptive and passive mechanisms to compensate for wing damage in flight", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 62, pp. S274-S275
  • Wael Salem and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2021, "Flying in an uncertain world: system identification of flight performance following wing damage in fruit flies", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, pp. E781-E781
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2021, "Orientation control via spatiotemporal integration in fly flight", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, pp. E620-E621
  • Benjamin Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2021, "The critical influence of head movements on wing steering responses in fly flight", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, pp. E124
  • Benjamin Cellini and Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2021, "Active vision improves sensory acquisition and coordinates motor control in insect flight", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau and Mark A Frye, 2018, "Neural correlates of saccade control algorithms in Drosophila", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 58, pp. E157
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, F Khan, A Solomon and M A Frye, 2016, "The dynamics and control of body saccades during visual fixation in Drosophila", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56, pp. E151
  • C J Dallmann, Jean-Michel Mongeau, K Jayaram and R J Full, 2013, "Dynamic response of antenna flagellum in the American cockroach", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 53, pp. E273
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, S N Sponberg and R J Full, 2013, "Unit responses from antenna in cockroaches generate control input predicted from control theoretic model of wall following", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 53, pp. E148
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, T Alexander and R J Full, 2012, "Neuromechanical feedback during dynamic recovery after a lateral perturbation in rapid running cockroaches", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52, pp. E297
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, B McRae, A Jusufi, P Birkmeyer, A Hoover, R Fearing and R J Full, 2012, "Rapid inversion: Running cockroaches, geckos, and robots swing like a pendulum under ledges", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52, pp. E123
  • A Demir, E G Samson, Jean-Michel Mongeau, K Jayaram, R J Full and N J Cowan, 2011, "A tunable, multisegmented robotic antenna for identifying and testing biomechanical design principles", 51, pp. E182
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, K Jayaram, A Demir, E G Sampson, N J Cowan and R J Full, 2011, "Biomechanics of tactile sensor for wall following and spatial mapping", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 51, pp. E93
  • R J Full, K Jayaram, Jean-Michel Mongeau, P Birkmeyer, A Hoover and R S Fearing, 2011, "Role of robustness in running: Bio-and bio-inspired exoskeletons", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 51, pp. E44
  • Jean-Michel Mongeau, 2010, "Mechanical feedback of antenna-substrate interaction simplifies cockroach antennal navigation", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50, pp. E120
  • K Jayaram, Jean-Michel Mongeau, B McRae and R J Full, 2010, "High-speed horizontal to vertical transitions in running cockroaches reveals a principle of robustness", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50, pp. E83
  • Simon Sponberg, Jean-Michel Mongeau, John P Miller and Robert J Full, 2009, "Decoding cockroach antennal tactile navigation using naturalistic and white noise stimuli in a control theoretic framework", Integrative and Comparative Biology, 49, pp. E161

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, October 2019 - May 2023
  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, February 2021 - September 2023


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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