Journal Articles
- Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd Murphey, 2022, "Ergodic shared control: Closing the loop on pHRI based on information encoded in motion", ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 11, (4), pp. 20
- Kathleen Fitzsimons, Aleksandra Kalinowska, Julius P Dewald and Todd D Murphey, 2020, "Task-based hybrid shared control for training through forceful interaction", International Journal of Robotics Research, 39, (9), pp. 1139-1154
- Kathleen Fitzsimons, Ana Maria Acosta, Julius Dewald and Todd D Murphey, 2019, "Ergodicity reveals assistance and learning from physical human-robot interaction", Science Robotics, 4, (29)
- Thomas Berrueta, Ana Pervan, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Murphey, 2018, "Dynamical system segmentation for information measures in motion", Robotics and Automation Letters, 4, (1), pp. 169-176
Conference Proceedings
- Aleksandra Kalinowska, Ahalya Prabhakar, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd D Murphey, 2021, "Ergodic imitation: Learning from what to do and what not to do", Virtual, pp. 3648 - 3654
- Aleksandra Kalinowska, Kyra Rudy, Millicent Schlafly, Kathleen Fitzsimons, Julius P Dewald and T D Murphey, 2020, "Shoulder abduction loading affects motor coordination in individuals with chronic stroke, informing targeted rehabiliation", Virtual, pp. 1010-1017
- Aleksandra Kalinowska, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd D Murphey, 2018, "Online user assessment for minimal intervention during task-based robotic assistance.", Pittsburgh, PA
- Kathleen Fitzsimons, Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis and Todd D Murphey, 2016, "Optimal human-in-the-loop interfaces based on Maxwell's Demon", Boston, MA, pp. 4307-4402
- Zhiquing Lu, Herschel Pangborn and Kathleen Fitzsimons, , "Developing an affordable multi-course electronics kit for increased software and mechatronic literacy in mechanical engineering"