PSMES Board and Elections

Organization and Board

The PSMES board of directors is made up of elected officers, six to nine at large members, the ME department head, and a mechanical engineering faculty member. To become a board member, contact the PSMES president for more information. The Board meets by teleconference quarterly and holds at least one on-site meeting per year at Penn State.

Current Board of Directors - Alumni Members
Position Name/E-mail Committee(s)
Jim Roche
Early Career Award
VP/President Elect
VP until 2019
President: 2019-2021
Kyle Verrinder President Elect, Networking
Chris Melville Social activities, Student Engagement, Early Career Award
Past President
Amos Morse
at-large Board of Directors
until 2018
Mimi Overbaugh Social Activities, Student Engagement
at-large Board of Directors
until 2017
Leland Engel Social Activities
Justin Latorre Alumni Recognition
Rich Randall Mentoring

Bob Swope


Shaun Verrinder

E-Knowledge Commons, PSMES Website

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With more than 60 faculty members, 330 graduate students, and 1,000 undergraduate students, the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering embraces a culture that welcomes individuals with a diversity of backgrounds and expertise. Our faculty and students are innovating today what will impact tomorrow’s solutions to meeting our energy needs, homeland security, biomedical devices, and transportation systems. We offer B.S. degrees in mechanical engineering as well as resident (M.S., Ph.D.) and online (M.S.) graduate degrees in mechanical engineering. See how we’re inspiring change and impacting tomorrow at

Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-2519